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Mental Health Services

Are you experiencing personal or social challenges? If so, you're certainly not alone. High school students can experience a wide range of personal/social challenges during the four years at high school. But you don't have to face these challenges alone. The counselors are available to help and offer a range of services along the continuum from early intervention to crisis response to meet students’ needs.

General Mental Health Websites: Anxiety, Depression and Stress Bullying Chemical Abuse - Drug and Alcohol Eating Disorder Grief and Loss Self-Harm Local Resources:
  • CADA (Committee Against Domestic Abuse), 507-266-666, Crisis Line 188-477-0466
  • Eunoia, Gaylord, 507-299-6038
  • Family Facilitator Program, 507-237-4000
  • Sibley County Human Services, Gaylord, 507-237-4000
  • Sioux Trails Mental Health Center, Gaylord,507-237-9989, 24 Hour Crisis Line 1-800-247-2809
  • South Central Mobile Crisis Team, 1-877-399-3040

Contact: Ingrid Al Sattam