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General student help:

Student Success Secrets - Eric Jensen

How to Double Your Child’s Grades in School - Eugene M. Schwartz

How to Become a Superstar Student - Professor Micheal Geisen

Homework Without Tears - Lee Canter and Lee Hausner, Ph.D.


Learning, memory and the brain:

The Power of Learning - Kls Mellander

Seven Pathways of Learning - David Lazear

Learning and Memory - The Brain in Action - Marilee Sprenger

Brain Compatible Strategies - Eric Jensen

Different Brains, Different Learners - Eric Jensen

How the Brain Learns - Dr. David A. Sousa

Upside-Down Brilliance - Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D.

Research Based Strategies - Ruby K Payn, PH.D.

Quantum Learning: Unleashing the Genius in You - Bobbi DePorter

Double Your Brain Power - Jean Marie Stine

Brain Workout - Arthur Winter, M.D. and Ruth Winter, M.S.

The Brain Workout Book - Snowdon Parlette

Boost Your Brain Power - Ellen Michaud and Russell Wild

Every Day Memory Builder - Jon Keith



Super Motivation - Dean R. Spitzer

Reaching the Peak Performance Zone - Gerald Kushel

Mindset - Carol Dweck, Ph.D.

Bringing Out the Best in People - Aubrey C. Daniels

What a Great Idea! - Charles “Chic” Thompson



Learning to Love Math - Judy Willis, MD

How the Brain Learns Mathematics - David A. Sousa

Mathematical Mindsets - Jo Boaler

Painless Algebra - Lynette Long, PH.D.



Reading Smart - Nicholas Reid Schaffzin

Igniting a Passion for Reading - Steven L. Layne

Idea Catcher for KIds - Bill Zimmerman

If You Can Talk, You Can Write - Joel Saltzman